1994, Scampering Songs Publishing
I'm happy with myself
I'm happy with myself
and I don't have what it takes to please you
I've been trying to write you a letter
I've been trying for two or three years
maybe I could just say it better
practice some in front of a mirror here oh
I've been trying to build you a heaven
crowns of thorns in Mason Jars
angels that dance on pins and needles
maybe I've tried a little too hard oh
is it because I cannot see you
that you feel so free to steal
my excess baggage full of darkness and despair
while I fumble with my locks
you’re content to stand and knock
yet I know your knack for thievery is rare
do you know they call it arson
setting fires without permission
in my heart for sure and maybe elsewhere too
though your lack of inhibition
captures my imagination
I end up a wiser person thanks to you
it's coming to fruition
the sympathetic vibration
your train is at my station
within without
then there is your flare for murder
there's a dagger in the border
of your cloak and I suspect a captain's gun
as you put to death suspicions
kindly kill my fears as well
exorcise and slay the demons one by one
though I'm usually pacifistic
you are mercifully sadistic
and I didn't know that murder could be good
but the roses came crimson
springing from the prison
of the floorboards where there once were stains of blood
it's coming to fruition
the sympathetic vibration
your train is at my station
within without
it's calming my suspicion
with soothing intuition
your train is at my station
within without
within without
within without
within without
bone dry
should I never dance
like Salome danced
bathing in rain
and moonlight and flame
should I never sweat
surreal shadows
rushing through my veins
good red blood run red
bone dry
should I never speak
the wisdom of hands
should I never use
the fingers that find
should I never read
the words on my feet
leading me to you
the blind lead the blind
bone dry
doesn't mean anything
should I never feel
the healing you bring
take a look at me
I'm breathing, I'm breathing
should I trace a line
from lips to heartbeat
shoulder and across
to shoulder again
bone dry
doesn't mean anything
doesn't mean forever
bone dry
you are a gardener
you cultivate my soul
you water thirsty vines
that snake along my spine
in case I forget to shiver
you are a carpenter
you build the scaffolding
replace the windowpane
I see the sky again
as if I've been delivered
you are a fisherman
my weather lets you know
when and when not to wait
your hook's inside the bait
I'm wary but I swallow
you are a messenger
you bring me all the news
the kind that never lies
it's written in my eyes
you beckon and it follows
I get to be guilty
you are a singer too
carry me like a tune
I'm like a newborn child
I'm wrapped up for a while
you're swaying like a hobo
you are a circus clown
I've never laughed before
beneath your canopy
oh say a prayer for me
I want this in a photo
so be a photographer
I'm dancing naked now
across the maple floor
above the lion's roar
your pictures will protect me
you must be a scientist by now
with rumpled midnight hair
you've studied every pore
and every follicle
of my bewildered body
I get to be guilty
yours is a different light
I like my face that way
the canvas of my skin
serene and strange but true
someone's moving ‘round inside of me
someone's setting up shop where I can't see
but I'm fine
but I'm fine
in this melancholy room
someone opened up my mouth to speak
someone pulled the words back into me
but I'm fine (lie)
but I'm fine (lie)
in this melancholy room
scream like a silent movie
call off the curious fingers
feeling my heart
spring on an Arctic island
pushing against my ribcage
takes me apart
smiles on my Friday face
call it amazing grace
are you leaving so soon
I'm mad as a March hare in June
in this melancholy room
oh you can you
can you see how I've fallen
in the fog
cannot see very far
cannot see the fallen
in the fog
can you see what I see
can you see
do you wanna
you fallen
can I call you God or messiah
you know you must...
your body down
sleep baby Jane
sleep baby Jane
suicide suicide
Katie's talking suicide
homicide homicide
mama killed my man
turpentine turpentine
potion for my valentine
take a ride and take it
in a long black hearse
sleep baby Jane
sleep baby Jane
Vaseline Vaseline
Ruby's selling Vaseline
kerosene kerosene
everyone's a fetus
chamomile chamomile
someone spiked the chamomile
shake it mama shake it
it was my idea first
sleep baby Jane
sleep baby Jane
don't scream
sleep baby Jane
my baby
if you think I'm Jane
let me kiss you
if you think I'm Jane
if you think I'm Jane
let me call you an angel
are you my daddy
are you
I don't wanna cut you up
drink you from a paper cup
I don't wanna spit you out
or kick you in the shin
I don't wanna knock you down
be your mother be a clown
I don't wanna talk about
the shit you're really in
I don't wanna take a bow
no one's clapping anyhow
I don't wanna sneak around
and pray you'll understand
I don't wanna call your bluff
enough's enough
I don't wanna see you
chained up
are you my daddy
are you
I don't wanna ruffle you
cut the deck and shuffle you
don't wanna come to fisticuffs
or stick you with a pin
I don't wanna argue
hurt your pride or make you blue
your tongue is forked and clearly
there are scales upon your skin
I don't wanna help ice crack
give you a surprise attack
I don't wanna cut you slack
and watch it go to hell
I don't wanna tell you lies
like presbyterians or spies
I don't wanna see you chained up
are you my daddy
are you
don't you run away
leave me like a rainy day
I don't wanna make you stay
or stand up high above you
don't want you to see me cry
I'm just trying not to lie
I don't wanna see you chained up
fall on me
fall on me
birds of a feather and a featherless cap
poor lovers breed songs in a two-room flat
moist hands fold to pray for a painless truth
we dance on the tracks of a train called youth
truth's on the table like a toxic spill
and we wrestle in the sheets with our own freewill
if we never shake hands with a phantom called fame
I'll still have your picture in a picture frame
if you should fall
fall on me
forty-acre farm we can call our own
with a chocolate lab and no telephone
the full moon's leering in a lover's swoon
and the apple tree's swaying to a windy tune
(save me I'm falling for you)
but we won't get to heaven if we just sit still
if we don't cry murder maybe no one will
we're riding tandem down Sycamore hill
if we hit the brakes we're gonna take a big spill
if you should fall
fall on me
and if my hand were taken hold of
I'd slip away with you love
slip away with you love
June the clouds in your eyes remind me of the way I feel
June the river will rise on all the secrets I conceal
June I'm following you somehow I've fallen far behind
June lately I feel I'd rather not believe love's blind
crazy it used to be so clear
what's hazy used to be so clear
am I lazy should I swallow all this fear
crazy it used to be so
June I'm feeling so good I'd love to die here just like this
June I'm feeling so strange screams are tangled up with bliss
June when I'm afraid I find a thousand ways to laugh
June when I'm alone I forget you anyway I can
June help me help me I'm running out of things to say
June tell me tell me will he love me anyway
God look over there there's pigeons nesting on your saints
God all I can say is forgive us rather forgive me
my love is a fever
my love is a fable
my love is jazz licks
improvised by toddlers
bold Ulysses by nursery rhyme
and firelight
my love is a metamorphosis
reason cold logic
intuitively speaking
my love is syncopated
spoon-fed ignorant
my love is singular
my love is commonplace
as a gravedigger's own birthplace
my love is a medicine
feeds the sick heals the poor
turns up the volume on the blind
my word it's a trip
like a migraine
on a moving train
it parachutes aeroplanes
watch it fly
eyes soar hands clap
ears ring it's a sand trap
hair raising amazing
grey city transformations
as lips sink stomachs ache
monkeys shine fire flies
foxes trot hobs knob
porches swing brains storm
hearts attack and air supplies
heads light tails spin
steeples chase you along your chin
rock slides
out of the woods now
a virgin in buckskin
moccasins tall thin
she plays your mandolin
so maudlin you begin to spin
out of the woods now
I'll awake to find your love
falling like leaves to the ground
I'll awake to find your love
falling like leaves
you will look to find me down
upon my knees without a sound
you will look to find me down
upon my knees
then we can fling wide the gates
let go the last of our hate
then we can sigh
like the cool clear wind up high
through the sky above
then we can say we're in love
then we can rest mortal eyes
laugh as we run out of temporal breath
then we can move we can sing
we can tremble like birds
through the sky above
then we can say we're in love
Eve turns up the volume on the blind. My word she's a trip. Eve is Karin Bergquist in a lime-green evening gown and combat boots. Now she's got the whole world in her hands and she takes a bite and spits out the seeds, and grins. Eve is Over the Rhine putting their soul up for sale and the whole world asking, "Could you take any less."
Eve is Ric announcing that he will be playing all the guitars on the record and Karin saying, "Oh no you're not." Eve is coming apart at the seams. She's been hanging out in too many dives and has had one too many beer-breathed men stumble toward her saying, "You guys ROCK," as if that's supposed to be some kind of compliment. Eve is a microcosm of the fall of man, a captain's journal of unmoored spiritual bearings, a woman lost at sea who sort of knows where she's going but hasn't yet been able to put it into words. Eve is more than the loss of innocence, it's not being able to remember for the time being what innocence feels like. Eve suggests that sometimes the only way to touch hope is to step into a ring and lace up the gloves and put on a blindfold.
Karin, during an interview in Los Angeles, once described Ric's solo at the end of Daddy Untwisted as follows: "You can be sitting with your hair up and your blouse all buttoned, but when that Les Paul comes in, your hair comes down and everything flies off."
Eve is a record by a band determined to play above the noise of the crowd in a sweaty, smoky room. Eve is a record by a band in the slow process of learning that a young girl leaning forward and confiding something she's thought about is infinitely more alluring than a shiny stripper in New Jersey trying to get a bunch of people to yell.
Eve was the record Over the Rhine had to make in order to know what they were never going to be, and ultimately didn't want anyway. And what a record she is. Eve alienated dozens of critics who had hailed Patience as one of the previous year's best, but she won the band new and different supporters in the press who were drawn to the album's diversity and attitude. Hundreds in the industry thought Over the Rhine had a hit on their hands. Happy With Myself? did receive considerable modern rock airplay, but IRS Records was disintegrating all around the band, a fitting metaphor for the themes of decline and fall that pervade the recording.
Trina Shoemaker recorded much of the project, one of her first, and later went on to win Grammy Awards for her work with Sheryl Crow.
Take Eve out to the car, fasten your seatbelt, start the engine, point the car at some corner of the world a long way from home, turn the volume knob clockwise and don't look back.
RIC HORDINSKI, acoustic and electric guitars, lap steel
BRIAN KELLEY, drums and percussion
LINFORD DETWEILER, bass and keyboard instruments
Eve is dedicated to the memory of Rainer (Mr. Spoons) Bergquist, 1926 - 1994.
Happy With Myself? (3:43)
words: Bergquist and Detweiler
music: Bergquist
Within Without (4:26)
words: Detweiler
music: Detweiler, Hordinski and Bergquist
Should (4:36)
words: Detweiler and Bergquist
music: Bergquist
Conjectures Of A Guilty Bystander (5:13)
words: Detweiler
music: Detweiler and Hordinski
Melancholy Room (3:59)
words: Detweiler, Hordinski and Bergquist
music: Hordinski, Bergquist and Detweiler
Sleep Baby Jane (4:59)
words: Detweiler and Bergquist
music: Detweiler, Bergquist and Hordinski
Daddy Untwisted (5:08)
words: Detweiler and Bergquist
music: Hordinski and Bergquist
Birds (3:38)
words and music: Bergquist and Detweiler
June (5:26)
words: Detweiler
music: Detweiler and Bergquist
My Love Is A Fever (4:11)
words: Detweiler
music: Detweiler and Hordinski
Falling (Death Of A Tree) (6:04)
words and music: Detweiler
All songs Sony Tunes Inc./GMMI Inc./ Scampering Songs Publishing. ASCAP.
All songs produced and arranged by Over the Rhine.
Eve was recorded and mixed by Trina Shoemaker. Should, Birds, June and Bothered were recorded and mixed by Gene Andrusco. Sleep Baby Jane was recorded by Trina, mixed by Gene.
Eve was recorded in a barn at Longview Farm, North Brookfield, MA. Fran Flannery assisted. Eve was mixed at Kingsway Studio in New Orleans, LA., and mastered by Greg Calbi at Masterdisk in New York, NY. Additional guitar parts for Within Without, Guilty and Sleep Baby Jane were recorded by Ric in his basement. Karin played acoustic guitar on Happy With Myself? Brian sang some syllables on Should. Chris Dahlgren played upright bass on Bothered. Bill Dillon played additional sustained guitars on Falling.
The photographs are by Michael Wilson.
Design by Owen Brock at Zender + Associates, Inc., and by Linford.
Thank you Donna Howell, Shelly Ross, Jimmy D., Todd Kearby, the Wilsons, the Brocks, the Zenders, Kyle Taylor, Gerd Muller, Ken Fullam, Jay Bolotin, Jeff Bell, Matthew and Lucy, Robin Joyce, Dick and Jill, Thomas Allen, Stefan Grey, Barbara Bergquist, Stella Chesser, the Bergquist and Thollander families, Lisa Butler, Carol-Margaret, Nick and Molly, Chris Glenn, Dan Donovan, Leslie Waddell, Misty Hughes, Riki Michele, the Mallonee family, Dave B., P.O. Boy, Blue Lou, Chris Carero, Cross Eyed Cat, Dan Dawson, P. Dots, Steve D., Stanfield G., R. Head, John J., Jarrod, Kaldi's, The Art Monke Trio, Tyler Phelps, T.J., various Whigs, C. Wire, Vigilantes of Love, Doc Phillips, Allie and the Hoppers, the Nagels, Daniel Straub, Twin Imports, Mark Strine, Tim McAllister, Dave H., Chris Hart, Jeff C., and Meyer·Vogelpohl.
Thanks to Bonnie, Peaches and the good folks and creatures at Longview.
Thanks to Trina Shoemaker. You rule. Thanks to Karen Brady and Bill and Barb Dillon. Thanks to Gene. The camera pans back...
Very special thanks from Brian to Mallory for endless support.
Ric thanks Karen Jean: "I were but little happy, if I could say how much."
Equipment thanks: Bodine Guitars, D'Addario Strings, Jimmy D's Music, Fender Electric Instruments, Schmidlin's Superior Service, Washburn Acoustic Guitars.
Our sincere gratitude to the many at I.R.S. Records who have become our friends. Thanks to The Imaginary Apple Orchard for apples.
"If music is, as the late composer Morton Feldman suggested, a system by which silences are arranged, which breaks up the eternal before it flows back to itself, then Cincinnati's Over the Rhine is one of the finest practitioners of that system. With a sound that is equal parts silence, open ambiguous space, rock and roll, and something indefinable, Over the Rhine is not just mysterious, it is mystery itself. Mature, visionary song writing... This is music that, at its heart, contains life's paradoxical elements-conflict, resolution, aesthetic beauty and ugliness, indecision, eros and pain, to name a few."
- Thom Jurek,
Detroit Metro Times
"Over the Rhine is impossible to categorize; their music contains elements of jazz, rock and blues, but they create a sound unmistakably their own. They play music so rich with surprises and imagery that it's a mystery why they aren't more popular. "Eve" opens with "Happy With Myself?," a rollicking song of self-affirmation and ends with "Falling (Death of a Tree)," a lyrical love song. Lead singer Karin Bergquist's compelling voice is a perfect match for the mystical songs she and bassist Linford Detweiler write."
- Nancy Stetson,
The Chicago Tribune
"L.A. Confidential, Places to Be: Over the Rhine's release party for Eve at Luna Park..."
- Rolling Stone
"Over the Rhine smartly builds its music around the beautiful voice of Karin Bergquist. If you can get through this disc without falling in love with her--this goes for men and women alike--it may be time for the 3000-mile tuneup."
- Phil Sheridan, Magnet, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"An absolute masterpiece and without question one of the finest releases of the year. We here at the office have become hopelessly addicted to it, which is apparently what happens to people who are exposed to Over the Rhine's intoxicating sound. I want to tell everyone about them."
- Tracy Hammond, Vermont Collegian, Burlington, Vermont
"Brilliant and empowering, an aural and intellectual stimulant."
- Kris Gamache, Texas Triangle, Austin, Texas
"Best Local Musician to Fantasize About: Karin Bergquist of Over the Rhine. Best Local Band to Travel to Another City to See: IRS signed them, they sell out every time they play Cincinnati. Their "eve of Eve" concert is still being talked about and their show at the Emery Theatre has been likened to a religious experience. Congrats to Over the Rhine for being voted best band..."
- Everybody's News, Critics and Readers
"Carefully straddling the lines between surreal dreaminess, folksy charm and earthy pop, OTR's music is textured and fully detailed, yet easily accessible with a simple, sweet appeal."
- B-Side Magazine
"The third time is the charm in the case of this Ohio quartet. A free-flowing exercise, Eve gets off right with the loose pop sounds of "Happy With Myself?" then continues to groove hypnotically..."
- Cashbox
"Over the Rhine delivers the startling new album "Eve," a pop masterpiece which is stunning in its range. Behind the enchanting and versatile voice of Karin Bergquist, this absorbing band creates a hypnotic blend of diverse songs which carry listeners to new heights. Take the rushing folk-rock energy of opener "Happy With Myself," the liquid blues of the sultry "Within Without," and the acoustic splendor of "Should," and it's astounding to think of OtR as a young, up-and-coming band. A magnificent set by very talented artists, "Eve" is a riveting album by a promising band who delivers."
- The Morning News, Friday, September 9, 1994 Los Angeles, California
"Over the Rhine is the best thing to come out of Cincinnati since... Come to think of it, Over the Rhine is the best thing to EVER come out of Cincinnati. Period. Eve, with its tales of feverish love, suicide, guilt and yearnings for self worth, is the most real thing to come down the pike in a long time. Do yourself a favor, check it out."
- Beth D'Addono, Times Music Columnist, Rock Music Menu
"Ohio's unheralded treasure, vocalist Karin Bergquist, has a voice reminiscent of Natalie Merchant, but Karin's unexpected swoops and stops create an eroticism that Merchant only hints at. She's backed by an equally tasteful band that puts a twist of Velvet Underground and Big Star into its psychedelic, odd meter pop. When Bergquist sings nonsense syllables during the alluring, twangy chorus of "Should" from the band's recent album, Eve (IRS), it's clear Over the Rhine could sound sultry reciting the phone book."
- Philadelphia Inquirer